Klawock School Update
School Start
Klawock School will start classes on Wednesday Sept 1st in GREEN. This means we will have all students in school the entire school day.
CHANGE TO MASK POLICY: Klawock School will require K-12 masking to start the school year. All students and staff will be required to wear masks in the school building. This is a change from the existing policy.
This change is based on CDC and Public Health guidelines for schools. There is data that suggests using proper mitigation practices (masks included) can greatly reduce the spread of COVID in a classroom setting. Additionally, the existing protocol for “Close Contacts” states that if universal masking is in place, students in a classroom will not be considered close contacts if someone were COVID positive in the classroom. If there is not universal masking done in the classroom, then the entire classroom would be considered “Close Contacts” and would have to quarantine as so. This could force entire classrooms out of school for weeks so universal masking will keep our students in school more.
If any parents are not comfortable sending their students to school with required masking, we will continue to offer materials and instruction to them as best we can virtually / remotely.
Klawock School will revisit this K-12 Mandated Mask Policy again by Sept 17th. We are hopeful we can remove this mandate at some point, but we want to do everything we can to keep our students in school and learning.
Contact Jim Holien at the school if you have questions or concerns.