To learn more about the project, scan this QR code: Go Chieftains! If you have any questions, please contact Kori Kness. If you would like to ask the researchers questions, they can be contacted at: Doug Cost, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 907.474.1556, Dayna Defeo, University of Alaska Anchorage, 907.786.5494, djdefeo@alaska.eduResearchers will be back soon to share what they learn too, so you'll see them again. Klawock City School is working with researchers at the University of Alaska!Our school has some turnover, but their research has found we do better thanother schools with similar characteristics. The researchers are working to understand how and why our school is able to retain our teachers!  Researchers will be visiting the school on 9/29-10/3 and conducting interviews with school staff, community members, and parents who wish to share their thoughts.  They will not be collecting any information about students, but they will be in the building observing normal school operations (like lunch, break time, and instruction).  Would you be willing to participate in an interview while the researchers are here? We are seeking input from family and community members over 18. Your participation is voluntary, and we can offer you a $40 Amazon or Walmart gift card for your time. Please contact Kori Kness, 907.755.2220, to learn how you can participate!
RFP flyer see flyer for words
Chieftain Weekly Bulletin with pictures and information
Chieftain Weekly Bulletin with pictures and information
Chieftain Weekly Bulletin with pictures and information
announcment of parent teacher confrences, picture with words exlplaining
Chieftain Weekly Bulletin with pictures and information
Chieftain Weekly Bulletin with pictures and information
This is a picture of schedule and times for upcoming school week
letter from principal
This is a picture of pencils and states when school starts
Welcome Counselor
parent teacher conferences flyer with information
Picture of volleyball team
2021 High School Cross Country Team